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Featured Technologies

Ghost Glove

Golf, Swimming, Tennis
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The Ghost Glove is one of the latest technologies, designed to be used specifically by blind athletes to improve their game. The device was designed by a team of engineering students from Imperial College, United Kingdom. It uses a combination of vibrating pads and sensors...

Drysuits Technology

Surfing, Diving, Scuba Diving
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Dry Suit technology simply means a suit which is worn by divers, boaters, and water sports enthusiasts that provide thermal protection and exclusion of water. Dry suit makes the diving experience more intense and unique, helping divers keep dry and warm underwater and making them...

Hawk Eye

Hurling, Gaelic Football, Rugby Union + 6 More
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The Hawk Eye is a computer-based technology which helps in providing a virtual understanding of the path of an object such as the ball used in cricket, tennis, etc. The technology was invented in 2001 by Dr. Paul Hawkins in the United Kingdom for cricket....
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Instant Replay is an immediate playback of any incident that is either shot or broadcasted live. Tony Verna gave the idea for the device in the 1960s. Instant replay slowly became more pervasive in the sports world. Initially, the technique was not adopted by Leagues' umpires and officials. However, it...