During the race, the swimmer must stay in his lane and should not obstruct the way of other Competitors. He should finish his race within his lane. Switching to another lane is prohibited.
The swimmer should not misbehave with other competitors as well as with the officials and violate their commands.
The swimmer should not move on the floor around the pool while the race is going on.
The swimmer ought not to enter into the water once the race has started.
He/she should not use any other artificial mean (like fins) to speed up his performance.
While moving from one end to the other, the swimmer should touch the wall completely before flipping off to complete the race.
The swimmer with the fastest time in preliminary heats performs in the middle lane in the final event and rest of the participants perform on either side according to their times.
In final heats, the swimmer with maximum time swims first and the swimmer with the fastest time swims last.
Some standard competitions such as Olympics organize semifinals so that they may select the best eight competitors for the finals.
A swimmer should not grab the lane dividers (which specify the lane boundary) else he/she may be disqualified.
No swimmer is allowed to stand inside the pool.
A swimmer can compete in maximum three events of preliminary or finals of a meet whereas for the timed meet; he/she can participate in maximum five events.
Updated On :05 Jul, 2022
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