The ball used for pilota is known as the Basque, which is made from boxwood core with a diameter of 20 - 36 mm, i.e. 0.79 - 1.42 inches. The core of the ball can be filled with latex.
A point is scored if the opposing team is unable to play the serve or throw the ball before rebounding it to the court surface more than once.
The opposing Team also scores by hitting the ball below the low line or above the high line in the front wall. They can also score by hitting the ball in time, which fails to reach the front wall.
Many Pelota disciplines also include the use of various types of gloves or chistera. These gloves include Chistera Joko Garbi, Grand Chistera and Chistera de Remonte.
The players need to wear safety equipment such as helmets and gloves every time.
Penalties are scored to the Team if their players intentionally abuse or physically hurt the opposing team members. For severe harms conductance, the players can even get disqualified.
Updated On :17 Jun, 2022
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