The climbing walls in the lead competitions have a minimum height of at least 12 metres. Climbers climb on these walls with the aid of a single rope, clipped to a series of protection points.
All the participants are required to fit themselves in the harness, which will secure their positioning.
The climbing routes for any participant are designated for 6 minutes. They can attempt to pass any route after the permit by a technical incident or appeal.
The participants can un-clip and re-clip their protection point situated at the end during their climb.
The participants are required to correct any Z-clip if occurred, and then un-clip it followed by re-clipping.
The climb is declared finished when they have fallen on the ground, clipped their final protection point in the climbing route, or either been terminated by the designated IFSC Judge and referee.
The participants are not allowed to use hangers for their folds.
The bouldering competitions are held over short distances on an artificially constructed climbing wall where the participants complete their climb without using any rope.
The design of the boulder is attained without any downward direction, jump and is prepared to minimize any falling down risk.
For the speed competitions, the players can only qualify if they complete the course in the minimum time interval. The IFSC governs it through an approved automatic timing system.
The participants have one attempt to complete any lane during the qualification round.
All the participants have to wear their shoes during their climb. It is completely prohibited to participate in the climb barefoot.
The belayers are used in the palm down technique and with the brake hand placed over the rope.
The participants are prohibited to climb from the behind wall or around the side of the walls. They are required to follow their respective designated route.
Updated On :04 Jul, 2022
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