The playing area of the sport is a square with each side 400 meters long.
Teams consist of 10 riders each.
Only five riders from each team are allowed to play in a half.
Each half of the game is played for 45 minutes and there is only one break of 15 minutes between the two halves.
The game of buzkashi is supervised by a referee.
Rules In Kyrgyzstan
Rules to be followed in Kyrgyzstan where the sport is known as kokboru are:-
The playing area of the game is 200 meters long and 80 meters wide ate two goals known as kazans 1.5 meters high and having a diameter of 3.6 meters are set on opposite sides of the field.
There are two teams consisting of 10 participants each.
Only four players from a team play on the field at a given time.
Substitutions of players or horses are allowed.
After scoring a goal, a kokboru is brought to the field center.
Updated On :03 Jun, 2022
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