The internal memory of a standard electronic chess board is suitable to store up to 500 moves.
The digital game technology has advanced the method of playing chess through its latest products such as digital chess clocks, chess computers, and last but not the least electronic chess boards. With the help of these electronic chess boards, players can easily understand the tactics and strategies of playing the game and can improve their performance. The electronic chess boards have often been used to register and record the games of chess for live games transmissions, online play, training purposes, or just for amusement. There is LiveChess software also available during the live broadcasting of chess games using these chess boards.
At major tournaments, the e-chess boards can be connected to one another in a series with the help of Caissa System. One can connect USB or Bluetooth E-chess boards to the computer while using the board at home, clubs or schools.
It records both the moves and the position of the pieces that can be used for training and analysation.
DGT has invented digital chess clocks (DGT3000, DGT XL etc.) that can be connected to the E-chess boards. These clocks display the moves of the pieces along with time while playing online or at significant tournaments.
The board has its squares measurements as a standard FIDE chess board, i.e., 55 x 55 mm and thickness is 18 mm.