The technology is based on the concepts of Augmented Reality (AR), bringing the components of the digital world into the real world and is primarily used during the live broadcast of major football events.
A computer system technology first invented by Sportvision Company that makes the broadcasting of various sports more fascinating for the viewers. The prime factor of this technology is to mark the Down positions that define the 1st and Ten states between the goal line and the line marked 10 yards from it in football matches. It is represented by a yellow line that corporeally doesn't exist on the field but virtually denotes the state where the player has either scored a goal, left the field of play or is declared 'Down' by the official.
An aggregator box converts the information data (sent by the camera encoders) into modulated audio which is further conveyed to the corresponding computer system. All the data is synchronised with the host camera and is then demodulated into digital data for the software program that draws the virtual yellow line on the first Down position.
The cameras used in the system are "instrumented cameras" that have electronic encoders with the help of which, live data is forwarded to the broadcaster's truck for further processes. Due to this element, the yellow line is fixed at the same place even when the cameras follow players or the ball. In some games, skycams are also used in this graphical technology.
The system comprises a combination of motion sensors that are linked with the cameras (the number of cameras varies according to the sport played) to record the game.
Chroma Keying computers are also involved in this system that provides colours to the scene such as the colour of grass etc.
Ideally, a total number of four computers are used in the system, each linked with a camera and the fourth one is the shared computer.
The position of the cameras is set in conjunction with the predefined 3D model of the playground.
The basic idea of inventing this system is to signify the Down position for the TV viewers so that they can better judge the game.