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Maria Siniakova

Maria Siniakova

Sports Enthusiast

What are the some basic Punching Tips in Boxing?

Posted on: 27 Aug, 2021 12:09 PM
In Progress
2 years ago
2 Answers
    • 1 year ago
    • Start in boxing stance with fists up to guard. If opponent throws toward your right side, rotate from waist to left, drop left shoulder, bend knees, and crunch to left to slip outside the line of opponent’s shot.

      Repeat on right side if opponent throws to left. Slipping is a defensive boxing technique and puts you in a position to counter as you rise back up to starting stance.
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    • 1 year ago
    • Keep your arm bent and throw a punch from the ground up as you turn your hip and pivot your foot. Don't curl your arm. The power won't come from biceps; it comes from the legs. Pull fist back to face as quickly as possible to reset.
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