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08 Aug, 2018

Standing Again After a Slump

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It is quite definite that if we begin to learn anything, it will give you some falls at first. After those falls, we realize how to stand on and maintain our success in the particular field. We can’t skip from these downturns as they are inevitable. What we should do is to learn from each and every fall, making ourselves stronger and more polished. Many cases have come to light where teens and youth give up their ambition after one or two face-offs with failure.

Some of them dwelled in depression in such a way that they don’t cope with their life and even commit suicide. Facing criticism is tough most of the time, but this is what gives us more durability and strength for life. Failure or drop-down performance only signifies that we need to work more on that field. Success and failure are parts of life. They are not permanent. With the right attitude, we can convert failure into great successes whereas the wrong attitude leads us to a big mess.

Here we are talking about some techniques that can be helpful in sneaking out from distress and nightmares of failure which obstruct our way to move on. Here we go………

Believe in Your "CANs"

"One person with a belief is equal to ninety-nine who have only interests.", said John Stuart Mill.

If you think that you are not capable to complete your task, then recall all those things which made you think to attempt that job. A single capability is even enough to restart your goal. Belief is something that can do miracles.

So start with whatever qualities you are having for your aim and try to add up another quality a day which is necessary for you to deserve for your dreams.

Mark your flaws

We all are learners. No one is perfect except the Mighty. He has made us in the way that we always tend to be perfect. After healing your mental state and having faith in your capabilities, have an in-depth look at your faults due to which you lacked to reach your goal last time.

List up all those glitches and start working on them one by one. Gradually, you will win over imperfections, and then the success will come to your clear vision.

Consult with Others

Many people don’t feel good about discussing their failures with others. They feel that talking about failure is not okay for their rep in society. In that dilemma, they don’t even consult with their parents and coaches, and that is what makes a wrong turn.

Failure is not something on which we can boast off but on the same pitch if we conceal our mistakes then it will never get corrected. You just need to go out and have a healthy conversation with productive and motivated persons.

They can be your teacher, your parents, your siblings or good friends. Sometimes we fail to judge our faults and wrong approaches which a wise one can find out.

It's OK

"Just because you fail once doesn't mean you're gonna to fail at everything", said Marilyn Monroe.

You are not alone facing failure in life. Some people fail many times and still don’t think to quit. If they are not willing to give up, then why you?

We all know that the great Edison failed 10,000 times in inventing the light bulb. He also faced criticism and even got bullied by his colleagues. But what brought him to success was his positive approach towards goal and the rest is the history.

So stop cramming your brain with the thought that you can’t move on as you have failed once or twice.

Stop over Sympathizing

After a slump, people bound themselves and try to hide in a shell. They lock the door of their room, cry for days, overthink failure and curse themselves for that. Remember that doing this is not going to help you anyhow.

It is fine to be a little bit kind with yourself and has a leap from your work, but pampering yourself too much is a bad idea as it will make you think that it is fate and not you who err. The more you sympathize with yourself, the more you lack in perfection.

So make up your mind and take a restart for your goal. This is the only way to move on.

Hope these tips may work for you to be a better guide for you so that you may win in every field of life. 

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