The underwater orienteering events are held in natural water bodies, based on current water pressure. The water bodies should have a maximum current of 4 m per minute with a minimum 3 m depth and visibility of 1 m. The water quality is also checked according to the standards provided by the World Health Organisation (WHO).
The water body site is marked with buoys that are anchored 50 m from the course of water.
There are several orienteering points present on the site which should be found by the participants. The participants have to bring back some specific objects by spinning or pulling them; else no points are awarded.
The participants are prohibited from changing their course of diving, especially when they are 50 m away from the finishing line. They are also restricted to check the distance and direction of the route by swimming or moving via boat.
The competitors in Monk competitions are allowed to use one buoy between the buddy lines (wrist to wrist). All the participants are also entitled to use monofins for swimming or diving faster.
The participants are restricted to use any underwater search technique such as sonar or any communication device.
The participants (except in monk competition) are allowed to use a theodolite to check maps issued by the officials.
Updated On :07 Jul, 2022
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